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Have More Sex During the Holidays

No matter what holiday you celebrate this time of year, one thing is for certain: sex and holiday stress don’t usually mix well.

Even if you are stuck visiting multiple households over the holidays, you don’t have to go without sexual satisfaction. It takes a little extra effort but you just need to make sure to squeeze in some adult fun time in between family hopping. 

Try these tips to make sure your sex life doesn’t suffer this holiday season.

Find a mutual 45 minutes to get away.

It can be as simple as skipping out of the office during the lunch hour to meet each other midday. Even if it’s just to have a quick make out session, the time is still well spent. It will improve your mood not just through the rest of the day, but for days to come.

Don’t underestimate the quickie.

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Quick and dirty can be the hottest sex of all, and when you are short on time this can be the best (and most fun!) option. If you have the right state of mind it can satisfy both you and your partner in no time. It’s worth a try if going the slow and sensual route is just not possible with your holiday schedules.

Send out a naughty calendar invite.

No matter what Hollywood tries to tell you, sex is not always spontaneous. It takes planning. Before you were in a more serious relationship you used to plan dates, right? The same should be done now. Send out a “Fun Time” calendar invite and mark yourselves busy on your synced calendars so there are zero interruptions.

The holidays are about giving.

Give the gift of erotic triggers. Maybe certain touches, gestures or phrases get your significant other going. Whatever it is, be giving. The more you give, the more likely you are to receive – and that’s one of the best ways to have more sex (and de-stress) during the holidays. 

Give the gift of time with one another and learn more about the Couples Retreat