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Self Care Vs Self Love: What's the Difference?

They’ve become buzz words for some and mantras for others, but “self care” and “self love” hold different meanings, and they are both important to your mental health. In fact, there are several definitions of these phrases floating around on the internet, but there are general principles to each that make them worth pursuing regularly no matter the exact definition you abide by.

Self Care

More often than not, “self care” is used as an adjective to describe some activity we do to improve our mental health. Think of it like a “reset” button that helps us find some stability in our thoughts and feelings. For some, this could mean going for a walk in the sun, while for others this could be curling up on the couch with a romantic comedy. The intention of these activities is to redirect your attention toward more positive or relaxed feelings, whether it’s as simple as a breath of fresh air, a sense of productivity, or a calming cup of tea. While we might think of the goal of self care to be mental peace and fulfillment, the goal of self love is more commonly about seeking confidence and appreciation for one’s body and mind.

Self Love

When we practice self love, it’s both a physical and mental process. It’s about embracing our bodies and accepting ourselves for who we are. When we feel embarrassed about aspects of our bodies, that’s when self love becomes especially important. This can come in the form of positive self-talk, complimenting yourselves in the mirror, or simple meditation. In many ways, these are similar to self care, but the intention behind the practice is what makes the subtle difference.

Spending some time to explore our own bodies and learn about our unique pleasure sensors is another great way to start appreciating your body more. It can be freeing to acknowledge that loving ourselves mentally and physically promotes a healthy mindset about our sexual independence and sets aside fears of judgement. When we are alone with our bodies, we can finally gain new insight into and appreciation for who we are as physical and sexual beings.

How Do You Know Which One You Need?

Here’s a hint: it’s important to practice both. So the real question is: which do you need more of right now? To answer that question, we must take time to reflect on our lives, how we are feeling at this very moment, any on-going struggles, and what we’ve done to try and improve our mental health thus far. Try writing a list of self care activities that you think might work for you, and then write a few words about how you would like to practice self love. When you start to feel the stresses of the week creep up on you, take a look at what you wrote and show yourself a little self care and self love.

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